Tours in Pompeii and Quality Travel Services

Tours in Pompeii and Quality Travel Services

Guide Pompei - Tours in Pompeii

Pompeii Ruins

Tips and Usefull Information about the Archeological Excavations

Pompei Ruins 2000 years ago the street were full of people, sellers, the houses were inhabited by wealthy land owners, artisans, shopkeepers, then suddenly everything disappeared.

For 1700 years the city was totally canceled from the face of the earth.

Nobody even knew how to indicate the city’s location.

Then slowly but surely it reemerged and today Pompei is a marvelous Archaeological wonder.

The day of August 24th in the year 79 AD, an eruption started of the Vesuvius.

Nobody knew what was happening, nothing like this had ever happened before.

An immense column of smoke was flaming kilometers high and the sky was filled with black clouds of smoke covering the entire city and darkening the sky and there was this strange rain of light and porous stones which were still hot.

This astonishment soon gave way to fear and panic.

What had happened in those 24 hours in Pompei was in fury of the volcano.

Then patiently after so long was rebuilt with long work research of the excavations.

Today, the Pompei excavations are by far the major attractions in Italy.

Visiting this archaeological site goes together with the passion of art and history, the site attracts lovers of mystery of rites and cults of populations so far over time, but yet so close physically.

The fact that Pompei was destroyed but at the same time preserved from the Vesuvio eruption in 79 AD, it renders the place more fascinating.

Strolling through lanes from the ruins makes you relive the remote era, thanks to the houses, the boutiques and the tools that have remained intact which all make you feel close and connect to the life-style of the era.

The first ruins were carried out by Borboni di Napoli, in 1738, who were always interested in art and history, especially for the passion of Re Carlo di Borbone.

The excavations were mostly completed around the end of the 1800’s, when it was reported at the lights of Villa of the Mysteries and more at Via of Abbondanza.

There were many buildings of advertising, like the Foro di Pompei, the market, places where food was conserved which were called Themopylae or the water building called Castellum Aquae.

For the Pompei inhabitants, entertainment was very important, that is why they found many places that had recreational activities.

They found the amphitheaters that were built around 80 BC and were able to hold 20,000 people, but later found the Teatro Grande, the Gym and the spas.

Obviously there were not missing places of worship like the Temples.

The most important is dedicated to Apollo, while the others were built to venerate Iside, Giove, Vener and other gods.

While visiting the Pompei excavations you will have the impression that time stopped in the moment of the eruption.

Entertainment was very important for the inhabitants of Pompei, that is why many places were found where fun activities were offered.

Some of these findings were the amphitheaters of Pompei,which were built around 80 BC and held twenty thousand people,then later they also found the Grand Theatre, a gym and a spa.

Obviously there were places of worship such as Temples.

The most important one was dedicated to Apollo, while others were built to worship Isis, Jupiter, Venus and other Gods.

Visiting the ruins of Pompei you will have the impression that time has stopped at the moment of the eruption.

The casts of the bodies of people make it even more attractive.

Be assisted by a tour guide, who is capable of explaining the details of these places that are so fundamental and beautiful.

Also in order to better understand the representations of the frescoes and how the inhabitants of Pompei spent their days and be carried away by anecdotes, sometimes funny, habits and customs of the era.

Admission concessions Admission to state museums, monuments, galleries and archaeological sites is free for all European Union citizens under 18. Admission to state Archives and Libraries is free for all citizens (regardless of their age). Free Admission Visitors whose status falls within one of the following categories will be granted free admission at the relevant exhibition site’s ticket office on showing a document with proof to that effect:

  • European Union citizens under 18 years of age;
  • citizens of non European Union countries with a “reciprocity agreement” (minors under 12 years of age must be accompanied);
  • European Union tour guides in the course of their professional activity, on showing a valid licence issued by the competent authorities;
  • European Union tourist interpreters whose services are required by the tour guide, on showing a valid licence issued by the competent authorities;
  • Ministry staff;
  • members of the ICOM (International Council of Museums);
  • groups of students and pupils from state or private European Union schools, accompanied by their teachers, by prior booking arrangements and in the numbers agreed with the head of the institution;
  • students enrolled on advanced training courses at Ministry Schools (Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Scuola per il Restauro del Mosaico);
  • teachers and enrolled students at the fine arts academies or equivalent European Union institutes, on showing their enrolment certificate for the current academic year;
  • teachers and students of undergraduate, advanced or postgraduate degree courses and doctorates in the following faculties:
  • architecture, cultural heritage restoration, education science or arts and philosophy specializing in archaeology, history or art. The same concessions are granted to teachers and students at equivalent faculties and courses run in European Union countries. In order to gain free admission, students will be required to show their enrolment certificate for the current academic year and teachers to show a relevant document;
  • secondary school teachers of art history, on showing a relevant document;
  • journalists who are up to date with their membership fee payments, on showing a relevant document with proof of their professional occupation;
  • disabled European Union citizens and one accompanying family member or other caregiver with proof that they are employed by social-healthcare services.
  • In cases of specific and proven requirements for study and research purposes, the Heads of Institutions can grant free admission for limited periods of time to the exhibition sites within their sphere of competence to those applying for such a concession. Applications require to be certified by the relevant – Italian or international – schools, universities, academies, research and cultural institutions and Ministry bodies.

Free Admission The General Directorate for Architectural, Historical, Artistic and Ethno-Anthropological Assets issues personal cards for study and research purposes, i.e. for specific and proven requirements. The card, which is valid for one year and bears the card-holder’s photo, is issued to:

  • members of voluntary associations working at the Ministry’s decentralized offices by special agreement;
  • the Ministry’s Inspectors and honorary Conservation Officers;
  • Military staff from the Nucleo Tutela Patrimonio Culturale (Cultural Heritage Preservation Task Force);
  • members of ICCROM;
  • Italian and international scholars engaged in the study of cultural heritage-related subjects, with the relevant certification issued by the International Union of the Institutes of Archaeology, History and History of Art in Rome.
  • Special free admission events
  • Admission is free during special national and local events, such as “Culture Week” and “European Heritage Days”, as advertised in the press or media.

Admission concessions EU citizens aged between 18 and 25 and state school teachers with a permanent position are entitled to a 50% reduction on the admission ticket. The same concession applies to citizens from non EU countries with a “reciprocity agreement”. Admission concession to Italian citizens living abroad. Until 31st December 2008 a 20% reduction is applied to admission tickets for cultural venues. Eligible visitors will be granted the reduction on showing their “Discount card” issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, duly signed by them, as well as a valid identity document. Free and concessionary admission is granted to citizens of the Swiss Confederation to whom the provisions of Ministerial Decree no. 239 subparagraph 3 letter e), and subparagraph 6 art. 1 of 20th April 2006 are applicable. Reservations for schools are a must: 10 Euros maximum 50 people.

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Pompeii City

Pompeii City

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